job seeking believe housing tenants can apply for new admin role

A new paid work placement has been created exclusively for a customer of believe housing who is looking to start or change career. 

The part-time Social Value Administrator role is open to people aged 24 or older who have no prior experience in admin, which could have been a barrier to applying for other jobs.  

The successful applicant will work in the housing association’s Procurement Team, helping its contractors and suppliers to have a meaningful positive impact in communities across County Durham and on the local economy. 

Throughout the placement they will be supported by an employability coordinator, they can gain a Level 2 qualification, and, at the end of the six-month contract, they are guaranteed an interview for any entry-level job within believe housing.

The role is part of the innovative New Start programme, a joint approach to employability by a number of North East housing providers, which creates paid work placements for residents of social housing. 

Last year believe housing recruited three customers to admin roles within its Community Investment Team. 

The scheme was so successful that two of them secured contract extensions and Jasmine Wigham, from Peterlee, went on to land a fulltime job at a college. 

She said: “I was able to earn money while learning, which is fantastic. I was able to do a Level 2 qualification, which looks amazing on my CV. And the experience meant I was able to apply for a fulltime job, which I would never have got an interview for never mind get the job.  

“New Start made that possible.  

“The full-time role is ideal, it has given me the opportunity for save up for a deposit to get my own house in the next couple of years, which is fantastic. 

“There are so many opportunities ahead of me.” 

During her placement Jasmine also learnt about the extent of believe housing’s work and services, beyond the 18,000 homes it manages. 

“They are constantly trying to find ways to better communities and better tenants’ lives,” she said. 

Rachel Edmunds, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at believe housing, said: “We are delighted to create another New Start role as we continue to deliver our vision of “life without barriers” by increasing prospects for our customers.”  

The new position is for 2.5 days a week, which can be flexible, and will be paid the living wage.  

To apply contact the Employability Team by emailing or calling 0300 1311 999 

The closing date for applications is Monday, 5 February 2024.

Find out more and apply now at:

We’re also hosting two drop in events for you to pop along to and find out more about our New Start scheme:
📅 Tuesday 23 Jan, 11am – 2:30pm at Coast House
📅 Wednesday 24 Jan, 12pm – 3pm at Country House