farnham road

farnham road update

In March 2023 the believe housing Board met to consider the results of consultation with tenants at Farnham Road in Newton Hall over the future of their homes.

The 15 houses we manage in this location were put up in the 1960s to provide temporary accommodation for workers at Durham Passport Office. Known as Calder homes, they were factory built and then finished onsite, with timber frames and asbestos cladding. The non-traditional construction of the properties makes issues such as poor insulation, noise transfer, and heating costs difficult and costly to address.

We held a six-week consultation period over a proposal to demolish the homes, to which 80% of tenants responded. The results were the following:
  • 81% agreed with the proposal to demolish the properties
  • 6% disagreed with the proposal
  • 13% neither agreed nor disagreed.

The Board considered all feedback and comments, along with the alternatives to demolition, and decided that demolition should proceed.
This is due to the extensive nature of the improvements needed to bring them up to modern standards. These would be disruptive for tenants, difficult to deliver and would represent poor value for money.

Members of our Neighbourhoods Team visited residents to inform them of the decision, in person where possible. Tenants were also provided with printed information about the decision, next steps and all the support available to them.

We are working closely with everyone affected and there is dedicated support available to help them relocate to a new home of their choice. Compensation will be available when customers move and there will also be financial support for the costs of moving.

We have also informed the owners of the seven neighbouring Calder homes of the decision and have spoken to them individually to discuss their circumstances, preferences and the options and support available to them.