refixing a tile

Find out how to refix a tile.

Tiles can sometimes crack or come loose, or you may simply want to replace them. This video takes you through some simple steps to refix a tile.

For this repair you will need:

  • Matching tiles
  • Spacers
  • A sponge
  • A scraper
  • Tub of adhesive
  • Bag of grout
  • Grout spreader.

You can also follow along with the steps below.

To get started, remove any existing adhesive off the wall from the old tile.

To check if you’ve removed enough, put a dry tile in to see if it fits.

Applying adhesive to the four corners of the tile, and a little bit in the middle.

Press the tile against the wall and hold it for a little while.

Use the spacers to keep the tiles in line.

Once the spacers are in, leave the tile for at least 30 minutes before grouting.

Remover the spacers and apply the grout with the spreader.

To finish, dampen the sponge and wipe the tiles down.

top tip

When fixing the new tile in place, apply even pressure across the tile for the best results.