Customer Voices
Customer Voices is made up mainly of tenants, and is the voice of our customers.
believe housing created Customer Voices to help ensure that we are listening and responding to the voices of customers in our decision-making.
In fulfilling its responsibilities, Customer Voices ensures that the organisation’s core values to “Do the right thing: for our colleagues, for our customers, for our business” are intrinsic to everything we do and to hear the true voice of the customer gaining insight to drive the business forward.
Customer Voices is one part of our wider engagement programme which helps us to capture and listen to customer views and use these to shape and improve our services. If you are interested in finding out more about engagement, please get in touch.
- Monitoring and reviewing customer insights, ensuring customers have the chance to share feedback and influence improvements to our services.
- Analysing complaints trends.
- Assisting with the annual customer survey and analysing responses.
- Engaging with customers to feedback information regarding future plans and helping improve service delivery.
As well as getting together for scheduled meetings, Customer Voices members are also consulted on specific projects and attend working groups to progress scrutiny tasks, presenting findings and recommendations to the Board or the Performance and Standards Committee.
Members also receive training and briefings throughout the year to ensure they are well-informed, understand external events affecting believe housing and our customers, and support their role to scrutinise and challenge believe housing.
Customer Voices has reserved places for up to eight of our tenants/leaseholders. The remaining membership includes one staff member and one independent member. The Chair of Customer Voices is a tenant member.
For further information about Customer Voices, or to discuss joining the group please contact:
November 2021: Reviewed believe housing’s community hub provision
May 2022: Considered how Customer Voices communicate messages to the wider tenant base
June 2023: Reviewed the delivery of Neighbourhood services
2022/2023: Agreed a detailed workplan for scrutiny activities with the Performance and Standards Committee
Autumn 2023: Supported the development of believe housing’s Annual Report. annual reports | believe housing
November 2023: Customer Voices joined members of believe housing’s Assets Team at a product quality session hosted by contractor RE:GEN Group. Members reviewed the quality of kitchen and bathroom products and offered feedback on the range of doors and windows. They also visited recently completed external and environmental works undertaken on homes across central Durham and Blackhall.
December 2023: Supported reviews of the Electrical Safety Policy and the Gas, Solid Fuel Safety Policy.