Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures: What they are and why they matter 

The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a new set of satisfaction measures called Tenant Satisfaction Measures. These measures will be used to see how well social housing providers, including housing associations like us, are doing at providing good quality homes and services.  

There are 22 tenant satisfaction measures that all social housing providers must report on. Twelve of these will be collected through a satisfaction survey that we carry out with a random selection of tenants throughout the year.  

You may be contacted by our research partners BMG to answer questions about the following key areas: 

  • Overall satisfaction  
  • Keeping properties in good order  
  • Maintaining building safety  
  • Safety checks  
  • Respectful and helpful engagement   
  • Effective handling of complaints/ASB  
  • Responsible neighbourhood management  

We report the results to the Regulator on these measures once a year. These are then reviewed and published on the RSH website each autumn, along with the results of all other social housing landlords. 

The results we receive from our surveys will also be published below and updated following each survey wave. We will continue to review how we share this information with our customers going forward. 

For more information about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, including an ‘easy read’ Tenant Satisfaction Measures booklet, please see the links below: 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures – More information 

Tenant Satisfaction Measures – ‘easy read’ booklet 

Tenant Perception Survey

As part our customer engagement, believe housing appointed an external provider, BMG Research, to carry out our tenant perception survey to ensure all feedback was collected fairly and impartially.

The questions asked were those provided by the Regulator of Social Housing for the Tenant Satisfaction Measures and followed and fulfilled the principles set out in the TSM Survey and Technical Requirements guidelines. A number of additional perception questions were also asked to gather further feedback from our customers. Click the following link to download a copy of the tenant perception survey questions.

Our survey was conducted by telephone over two waves in October and December 2023. A sample approach was used to collect a total of 1,200 responses: 592 in October and 608 in December.

To ensure that the responses received accurately reflected the voice of our customers, the final responses were weighted to match our customer profile. Responses were weighted by age, geographical location, and stock type.

No incentives were offered for survey completion.

Read our latest scores:

Overall satisfaction:

Satisfaction with repairs:

Satisfaction with time taken to complete the most recent repair:

Satisfaction that the home is well maintained:

Satisfaction that the home is safe:

Satisfaction that believe housing listens to tenant views and acts upon them:

Satisfaction that believe housing keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them:

Agreement that believe housing treats tenants fairly and with respect:

Satisfaction with believe housing’s approach to handling complaints:

Satisfaction that believe housing keeps communal areas clean and well maintained:

Satisfaction that believe housing makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods:

Satisfaction with believe housing’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour:

Complaints relative to the size of the landlord per 1,000 homes:
Stage 1: 12.4
Stage 2: 1.7

Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales:
Stage 1: 80.9%
Stage 2: 70.0%

Antisocial behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord, per 1,000 homes:

Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard:

Repairs completed within target timescale:
Emergency: 97.7%
Non-emergency: 89.6%

Gas safety checks

Fire safety checks

Asbestos safety checks

Water safety checks

Lift safety checks

Satisfaction with the most recent repair:

Antisocial behaviour cases that involve hate incidents:

Electric safety checks

Damp and mould cases

Repairs completed right first time

Average energy efficiency of all properties

% of decent homes survey completed in the last five years

Number of home improvements delivered (so far this year or in last financial year)

£ amount spend improving our homes

Investment in local community groups (grants total amount)

£ social value from investment

Total number of days our staff have volunteered

Number of new social homes built

% new customers sustaining their tenancy for more than 12 months

Number of empty properties

Average relet time
36.16 Days

Number of engagement activities
17 carried out (excluding TSMs)
379 customers responded

Number of calls answered by our customer hub

£ of unclaimed benefits secured for our customers

Number of rent-to-buy homes built

Number of customers supported to sustain their tenancy

Number of customers helped to access water grants

Number of customers supported by our Urgent Support Team
800 cases

% of rent collected

Carbon footprint
18,392.82 tonnes

Staff turnover

Best companies score
3 Star

Healthy culture score

% tenancy turnover

Average relet time (standard properties) (days)